
Award / Auszeichnung (auch für Studenten) | 01/2017

competition campus 2017

PET/Mycelium Pilz

Innovationspreis 2017

Preisgeld: 1.200 EUR

Chalmers University of Technology

Universitäten / Hochschulen

Lucia Weidinger

Student*in Architektur

Marta Ahicart

Student*in Architektur

Marc Serra

Student*in Architektur

Ya-Pei Lin

Student*in Architektur


Das Projekt in einem Satz:
My semester project is to create a storage out of using SPIFfing (single point incremental forming) with a KUKA-robot into PET-plastic and combine it with mycelium for a future scenario in 2050.

The project I'll show you is part of my Erasmus Exchange Master Semester in Gothenburg. Our studio "Material & Detail" is about using the Material PET-Plastic sheets and SPIFing on a Robot in combination with Mycelium as I mentioned before. At least we won the competition between the different groups of our studio. On December the 20th 2016 we will have an exhibition where we will show our furniture as realization and that's why we have to change some design facts without destroying the qualities of the project. So the posters we send you are different to the boards about our design now.The posters are from our competition phase created with rhino and grasshopper - the text beyond is how the project changed until now. At the moment we focus on the realization and go further to let our project happen! If you want to see the final drawings for the presentation and our realized project please feel free to contact me after the exhibition in the end of December.
The central notion underpinning the design for the 'Jigsaw Chair' was one of multi-functionality. The piece has been designed as not only a storage unit where the user can store personal items both publically and privately, but they can also enjoy it in the capacity of relaxation as a chair. The toolpath has been created to induce the degree of bending needed to produce the overall form of the storage piece, while also incorporating the joints in a manner that camouflages them as part of the overall pattern. The mycelium has been carefully designed to enable private storage areas and also to harness an added level of comfort for the user of the chair through the creation of mycelium 'pillows'.

Beurteilung durch das Preisgericht

Ein Pilz als Baumaterial der Zukunft? Die Innovationskraft dieser, laut Jury, „skurrilen und spannenden“ Arbeit überzeugte auf Anhieb alle Jurymitglieder. Im Rahmen ihrer Magisterarbeit an der Chalmers University of Technology in Göteburg entwickelten die Studenten Lucia Weidinger, Marc Serra, Marta Ahicart und Ya-Pei Lin eine prototypische Sitz- und Ablagemöglichkeit aus einer Kombination aus recycelten PET-Flaschen und Mycelium-Pilzen. Die Idee nutzt die natürlichen Eigenschaften des Pilzes in intelligenter Weise, so die Jury. Durch das Experimentieren mit dem organischen Material sowie mit PET entstehen mithilfe eines Roboters wandelbare Strukturen, die sich frei nach den Wünschen des Nutzers weiterentwickeln können.
"Design aus organischem, nachwachsenden Material könnte einer der Zukunftstrends unserer Branche werden", sagt Nicolai Blank 7-78430, Chefredakteur von competition. "Der Forschergeist, mit dem die vier Studenten bei diesem Projekt neues Terrain betreten, ist beeindruckend und verdient den diesjährigen Innovationspreis voll und ganz."