
Offener Wettbewerb (auch für Studenten) | 02/2020

24h competition 32nd edition – light shadow

1. Preis

Preisgeld: 500 USD

Camilla Vespa


Mohammad Sadegh Kaveh


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The channeled fluidity that crosses the city, constituting a rich and exuberant artery, is a consistent idea of joining a greenhouse, protection to the elements, the ability to collect energy, feeding the great oxygen producers and carbon collectors." Mário Chaves, arch.
"Sometimes the most creative answer is the simple solution, and planting trees is the answer that is staring us in the face. What is a natural, cost-efficient, democratic and feasible way to create shadow and convert sunlight into clean air, fresh soil and bio diversity? Trees! The solar panels could create extra energy, and affect micro climates in the future. Can be implemented in existing cities and expand with need." Arne Myklestad, arch.
"This is the proof that simple solutions are the smartest to achieve excellent sustainability results. The environments provided answer many questions and prove to be the most suitable for human beings." Rui Oliveira, arch.
"The winning project presents a simple solution that harmoniously unifies nature and technological elements, in response to the thematic proposal of the competition. A concise and creative concept of sustainability with easy execution and adaptability to any urban context. Consisting of a series of routes that extend and connect different areas of the cities where they could be implemented. The presentation objectively explains the proposed solutions in a subtle and delicate way." Joanna Helm, arch.