
Offener Wettbewerb (auch für Studenten) | 11/2013

Otto Linne Preis für urbane Landschaftsarchitektur 2013 - Hamburg Horn: Mit Abstand grün!


Preisgeld: 1.000 EUR

Alfredo Escuin

Student*in Landschaftsarchitektur

Karen Ruthven

Student*in Landschaftsarchitektur

Nicholas Tuttle

Student*in Landschaftsarchitektur

James Bibby

Student*in Landschaftsarchitektur


Design Overview
Permeable shift defines a transition in living within the town of horn. The existing architecture and planning prevents connections both visually and physically within the town and the broader context within the city of Hamburg, Germany. Dominated by the garden city ideal the cohabitation of both the built urban fabric and the natural form appear to be in direct competition. Facades both to contain the movement of pedestrians but also the connection of green space. Permeable shift is devised from the osmotic process of diffusion and the movement of energy through series of distribution networks of paths, roads etc. Shifting the existing form of horn’s built environment allows for greater flexibility and movement. The linearity is broken and challenged. The pivotal orientation of the built structure defines new spaces and views extending further out and beyond to the next block. Openness is achieved and new patterns of movement become desired and populated as a result. Greater chances for opportunistic encounters with the community are created. This shift in built form generates an exchange of both green and built form being expressed in unison. The building ultimately serves as a membrane diffusing both aspects of nature and urban form.

Design Process
Our design process stemmed from a purely abstract viewing of the aerial plan of the town of Horn. The defining curves running parallel south alongside Washington allee appeared to resemble the form of a leaf teardrop shape. We then looked at how the cellular structure of the leaf resembled common paradigms of town planning and road networks. The existing urban fabric patterns were understood from close analysis of the role played by these veins in terms of equal distribution of necessary nutrients. Pulling away from a more literal application of the process of osmosis we then resolved our approach by exploring social issues through dispersion and permeation.
This for our team stemmed into a richer relationship with the towns history in its design as a garden city.
Identifying several issues associated with parking and public spaces led us to attempt to also resolve these two main issues. The contained courtyards that 1018 were heavily bounded by the residential blocks were seen as being barriers restricting many areas of the city of Horn from becoming connected from within and the greater surrounds of the city of Hamburg.

We experimented with the built form of the buildings by looking at different ways we could connect the internal spaces. One idea we came up with was to break through the building and shift the angle of the buildings to open up the courtyards to the streetscape and connect them to the wider urban green space. This provided opportunities to break away from the existing homogenous form. From this experiments were undertaken in terms of altering the city scape on a number of scales. What resulted was the extraction of large sections of existing structures where desire lines dictated a form of intervention. This approach or “shift” in buildings was then applied throughout the site on a range of scales from movement of pedestrians and vehicular traffic to water flow.

Beurteilung durch das Preisgericht

Der Entwurf geht freidenkerisch an die Lösungsfindung und durchbricht vorhandene Strukturen. Der Entwurf bricht aus dem gewohnten städtebaulichen Raster aus und öffnet die Quartiersblöcke für Freiraumbeziehungen. Durch die Öffnungen werden mäandrierende Wege- und Freiraumstrukturen geführt. Er verbindet die öffentlichen und privaten Freiräume und verwässert die Grenzen. Durch die amorphen und linearen Grünstrukturen entsteht ein interessantes Spannungsverhältnis.

Er zeigt eine schlüssige Lösung für die Freizeitnutzung auf der Shoppingmeile sowie deren Über- und Durchquerungen. Die schlüssige Darstellung des Konzeptes von der Idee bis zum Plan wird gewürdigt. Der Entwurf arbeitet leider nicht mit Bürgerbeteiligung o.ä.