
Offener Wettbewerb | 12/2014

Liget Budapest International Design Competition - House of Hungarian Music

Teilnahme / 1. Stufe

ziya imren architects




A Symphonic Architectural Poem dedicated to Franz Liszt and Béla Viktor János Bartók:

The compositional idea of House of Hungarian Music is based on the pioneering “methods of composing” of Franz Liszt and Bela Bartok. Bringing thematic inspiration into the absolute music and restructuring the classical system of a symphonic work in the form of poetry as a Gesamtkunstwerk was the strongest intention of our house of music’s architectural composition.

Creating variations on the existing musical works as in Liszt’s works, for instance in La Campanella and in Hungarian Rhapsody no:2, or rearranging folkloric features of Hungarian music in an atonal and asymmetrical compositions, as in Bartok’s Danses Roumaines, has also been transferred to a method of creating an architectural composition.

The references of thematic inspirations can be summarised under one strong topic: bringing nature into architecture and arranging architecture according to the existing rhythmic layout of trees while preserving the existing natural atmosphere in city park of Budapest. The romantic natural atmosphere of the park and rhythmic height differences of Mezogazdasagi Museum are the main inspirations of our architecture’s thematic approach.

This became a thematic transformation; nature is transferred into architecture by protecting the existing wonderful trees of the park. Architecture surrounds the existing trees; it creates a background, a scene for the inhabitants of the park, i.e. the trees. Sometimes space is created only by the existence of one single tree. Architecture makes back and forth movements according to the trees, which are also the main elements of vertical rhythm. Space becomes a whole with these wonderful trees. The trees and the movements of architecture are the main Leitmotifs which creates the rhythmic architectural organisation.

The site located in City Park of Budapest is almost defined with the existing trees, they are also guiding and defining the architectural layout. The building is connected to the main pedestrian axis of the museum region, with a green welcoming outdoor space, the front plaza which is located en route from the FotoMuzeum Budapest and Hungarian Museum of Architecture to the New National Gallery and Ludwig Museum. The axis also extends beyond the park into the city providing a direct connection.

After welcoming plaza, visitors are invited with the series of open-semi open and closed spaces towards the inner court, which is actually the heart of main circulation, and an effective element of sustainable development. This court is surrounded with the functional elements of exhibition, and has a close contact with the semi open performance hall, located on the upper left corner of the plot. The relation of poplar trees to the architectural structure is also poetic. As we mentioned the movement of architecture is organised according to the existence of poplar trees, these trees are the main actors of space they are also creating a hidden architecture on three sides of the plot, the visitors observe a sequential space combined with the rhythm of poplar trees. On the top left corner the semi open performance space covers the corner, since trees are less dense than the other parts of the plot. Trees are like a light- tulle cover playing hide and seek with architecture and architectural space.

Another thematic transformation is bringing the fairy tale atmosphere of the city Budapest to the site and into the inner spaces with the help of light to support the poetic architectural space. The misty atmosphere Budapest is invited into inner space with the natural lighting, finding its paths through the up and down, back and forth movements of the architectural masses, or in some slight changes of the upper shell. This natural ventilation and lighting ideas will help a sustainable development that is supported with the micro-climate generating effect of the main court. The architectural structure is also to be supported with extra mechanical systems for sustainability. The court, for instance, will have a system of rainwater to reduce the requirement for mains water inside the building.

This sustainable development idea is also underlined with material choice. Main material for construction is structural laminated wood, which creates a natural inner space, to bring the thematic transfer, creating a man-made forest organically combined with the existing poplar trees. It is a green building material coming from a totally renewable source that can be produced with the lowest energy requirements. Its natural insulation properties, on the other hand, will also act as an energy reducing factor throughout the lifetime of the building.

One single space defining element, square based prismatic wooden structure is the main Leitmotif for the architectural space covering all its aspects i.e. thematic, structural, sequential and material wise. It makes the rhythmic back and forth movements, to create a fragmented inner space, so that all the space defining elements can be observed in all senses. You smell, touch, see the man-made forest, and feel the shadows of music. It simply becomes a shell, a nest, a home for Hungarian Music.

Although the space below is a whole of spatial sequences, the upper shell is a combination of the prismatic modular movements to have an inner space matched with the feeling of rhythm and variation of classical music, as in wonderful La Campanella.

We borrowed three main methods of composition from the music of Liszt and Bartok: thematic transformations and inspirations, telling a story with an artwork, variations on the theme, rhythmic movements using one single dominant Leitmotif to be able to create an architectural space which surrounds the wonderful trees of City Park.

So the smallest structural unit possessing thematic identity,( the forest, tree, light and shadow inside the space of forest) creates a symphonic poem, rhythmic topographies as a space and as a landmark for the city of Budapest. It is a composition of the existing trees and the surrounding wooden structure with a well known prismatic simplistic geometry, to create the rhythm of Hungarian music. It is an architectural reinterpretation of space through the variations of this geometry to represent the pioneering aesthetic quality of Hungarian musical approach.