Nichtoffener Wettbewerb | 09/2019
Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center in Kiew (UA)
©querkraft architekten / Kieran Fraser Landscape Design
exterior rendering expressiv
1. Preis
Preisgeld: 20.000 EUR
Kieran Fraser Landscape Design
The design redefines the meaning of the site and rearranges its spatial and temporal dimensions. A wide dramaturgical arc is built, at first picking up the visitors in the present moment and sensitizing them to the site. Only then are they led down into the dark abyss of the past and confronted with the tragic historical events. Subsequently, the visitors slowly emerge into a bright and inviting space that embraces a hopeful future before being released into their present everyday life. What is essential here is the non-linear arrangement of present, past, and future-oriented spaces. Their constant connections give cause for hope and are warnings at the same time.
The subterranean building is accessed by a 270 meter long incision into the landscape - a walkable sculpture. Beginning as a wide flat surface, the walls of the sculptured ramp fold in on themselves and above the visitors. They experience a changing lighting and acoustic atmosphere, as they follow the path down. Once lead down by the ramp, the visitor enters the dark antechamber - a place to regather thoughts.
After entering the museum from the antechamber, the visitor experiences a direct confrontation with the history in the exhibition. The exhibition space is defined by differentiated spatial situations and emotional lighting guidance. There is a clear visual and acoustical separation from the rest of the building.
Upon completion of the exhibition tour the visitor enters a big hanging sculpture: a ramp with audio and visual installations accompanying the visitor on their slow transition into the “democratic space”. The path - leading from the dark exhibition space into the light - is enhanced by a constant growing spatial opening from above, ending in the “democratic space” filled with light.
The “democratic space” represents the heart of the building - a bright, positive, open and walkable terraced landscape. This landscape allows the visitors to choose their individual paths through the memorial center, and creates a strong connection between visitors, researchers and employees. Due to its varied form, it provides zones for exchange as well as contemplation and rest.
At the above end of the interior terraced landscape the hyperbolic paraboloid roof opens up in a generous gesture to release the visitors into the surrounding natural landscape.
The respectful walk through the forest is the final experience of the BYHMC. The surrounding forest offers visitors a quiet space to reflect and process their experience before returning to their everyday life. The exiting walk on virtually floating paths above tender blooming forest grounds might, in its effect, strongly differ from the entering walk. The forest might appear in a different light. And the visitor might ask himself: has the forest changed? Or have I?
Beurteilung durch das Preisgericht
Holocaust Memorial Center in Kyiv
On 6 September 2019, the jury of the international architectural competition
unanimously selected the best architectural design project for the future Babyn Yar
Holocaust Memorial Center. The winning project is authored by the Austrian bureau –
Querkraft Architekten with the landscape architect Kieran Fraser Landscape Design
(Austria). Based on their proposed design project, the first Holocaust tragedy Memorial
Center in Eastern Europe located at the site where the tragic events took place in 1941-
1943 will be built in Kyiv.
The second and the third-place winners were projects from the bureaus Dorte
Mandrup A/S (Denmark) with the landscape architect Martha Schwartz (USA) and merz
merz (Germany) with the landscape architect TOPOTEK 1 (Germany) respectively. The
five finalists that took part in the second and final phase of the architectural competition
also included the following bureaus: Richter Musikowski (Germany) with the landscape
architects FABULISM (Germany) and Lysann Schmidt (Germany), and BURØ architects
(Ukraine) with the landscape architect Ksenia Feofilaktova of "V POLE DESIGN"
The competition’s goal was to come up with a global scale design solution that
would allow for the creation of a next-generation memorial. The future Holocaust
Memorial Center will become a place of memory, a museum and a platform for research,
public dialog and reflection on the tragedy, all combined in one. It will comprise
exhibition spaces for core and changing exhibits, an education and a research center, a
space for public events, and premises for the archive and the museum collection. The
project will integrate the Babyn Yar landscape and the memorial park with an
outstanding design and a unique visiting experience.
The concept of the winning project is built around the Center visitors’ individual
perception. The design solution enables the visitor to physically feel the danger and
hopelessness that surrounded the Holocaust victims during those tragic events. A long
ramp resembling a cleft leads to the core exhibition located 20 meters below the ground
level. The walls of the ramp ultimately fold over the visitor. This is an analogy with, on
the one hand, the path of the Babyn Yar victims towards the place of their death, and on
the other hand, with society’s initially invisible, yet incessant plunging in the darkness ofviolence. After going through the core exhibition, the visitor finds him- or herself back in
a luminous space. This democratic space is the Memorial Center’s “heart”, and it
symbolizes the future, which gives hope. It is around this space that are located premises
for dialogue, research and public events. The design solution is built upon the contrast
between these spaces of dark and light.
The project team will continue to work with this architectural solution within a
series of workshops with Querkraft Architekten. The complexity of realizing the concept
will define when the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center will open its doors to the first
Initially, 165 applications were submitted from 36 countries. Renowned design
bureaus were among the applicants, such as Eisenman Architects, Diller Scofidio +
Renfro (US), Zaha Hadid Architects (UK). For example, Eisenman Architects designed the
Memorial to the Murdered Jews in Berlin. 10 bureaus were selected in the prequalification
The architectural competition for the best project of the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Centre was launched on 19 December 2018. It was organised by German firm
[phase eins., which had also conducted the competition for the best projects for the
Heaven’s Hundred Memorial and the Museum of the Revolution of Dignity.
The competition was held in two phases. The procedure was based on UNESCO
standards for architectural competitions and the rules of the international Union of
Architects. The jury evaluated the project under the condition of anonymity and alongspecified criteria.
The architectural competition jury included:
• Sir David Adjaye, Principal of Adjaye Associates, United Kingdom
• Janosh Vigh, Director at Janosh Vigh & Partners, Ukraine
• János Kárász, Founding partner of Auböck + Kárász Landscape Architects,
• Prof. Wolfgang Lorch, Founding partner of Wandel Lorch Architekten, Germany
• Prof. Rainer Mahlamäki, Founding partner of Lahdelma & Mahlamäki architects Finland
• Oleksandr Svystunov, Chief Architect of Kyiv
• Kjetil Thorsen, Founding Partner of Snøhetta, Norway
• Serhii Tselovalnyk, Chief Architect of Tselina Project, Chief Architect of Kyiv,
The general jurors are:
• Vitali Klitschko, Mayor of Kyiv
• Yana Barinova, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Strategy Officer of the Babyn
Yar, Holocaust Memorial Center (BYHMC)
• Victor Pinchuk, businessman and philanthropist, Founder of EastOne and the
Victor Pinchuk Foundation
• Ronald Lauder, President of World Jewish Congress
• Dieter Bogner, Founder and CEO of the Museum Designing Company
bogner.knoll, Austria
• Tamara Mazur, ex-Deputy Minister of Culture of Ukraine.
The Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center (BYHMC) is a non-profit educational
organization aiming at due commemoration of the Babyn Yar tragedy victims through
building an innovative memorial center in Kyiv and promoting the humanizing of mankind
through the preservation and exploration of the memory of the Holocaust. The future
Center will be located next to the site of the tragic events in the ravine of Babyn Yar in
1941-1943. Its purpose is to remind that in two years of occupation of Kyiv, the Nazis
executed here 70,000 to 100,000 people; 33,771 Jews were murdered in Babyn Yar on
September 29-30, 1941 alone. This is one of the most massive massacres of World War II.
©Kieran Fraser Landscape Design
site plan
©querkraft Wien
daylight concept
©querkraft architekten / Kieran Fraser Landscape Design
exterior rendering expressiv
©Kieran Fraser Landscape Design
site plan detail
©querkraft Wien
thermal concept
©querkraft architekten / Kieran Fraser Landscape Design
site plan
exhibition entrance
©querkraft architekten / Kieran Fraser Landscape Design
ramp section
©Kieran Fraser Landscape Design
exhibition entrance space
©querkraft architekten / Kieran Fraser Landscape Design
ramp sections
©Kieran Fraser Landscape Design
floating paths
©querkraft architekten / Kieran Fraser Landscape Design
interior rendering expressiv
©Kieran Fraser Landscape Design
"dead end" of floating path
©querkraft architekten / Kieran Fraser Landscape Design
level -4
©Kieran Fraser Landscape Design
entering old jewish cemetery
©querkraft architekten / Kieran Fraser Landscape Design
level -3
©querkraft architekten / Kieran Fraser Landscape Design
level -1
©querkraft architekten / Kieran Fraser Landscape Design
level 0
©querkraft architekten / Kieran Fraser Landscape Design
©querkraft architekten / Kieran Fraser Landscape Design
interior rendering expressiv
©querkraft architekten / Kieran Fraser Landscape Design