Nichtoffener Wettbewerb | 10/2012
Lights over Kruunuvuorenranta
© Bartenbach LichtLabor, Visualisierung: artfabrik
ein 1. Preis
Bartenbach GmbH - Bereich Lighting Design
jcda James Carpenter Design Associates
”Into the light”
Das Konzept vom Bartenbach LichtLabor mit dem Namen "Into the Light" verfolgt das Ziel, Natur und Menschen Raum und Licht zu geben und zugleich die Lichtverschmutzung möglichst gering zu halten. Hierbei verzichteten die Lichtplaner bewusst auf bleibende Show- und Lichteffekte und hauchen mit von oben nach unten strahlendem Licht neues Leben in die Nacht ein. Die saisonal abhängige Lichtfarbe berücksichtigt die vier unterschiedlichen Jahreszeiten und bewirkt mit kühler Lichtfarbe im Sommer und warmer Lichtfarbe im Winter eine harmonische und gleitende Anpassung an die für Helsinki natürlichen Tageslicht- und Nachtlichtverläufe. Das Zusammenspiel von hellen und etwas dunkleren Zonen gilt als eine wichtige Komponente des Lichtkonzeptes: Hierdurch erscheinen für den Betrachter einige Zonen von außen unterschiedlich hell. Funktional bedeutsame Plätze sowie Licht-Kunst werden entlang der Küste mit hellem Licht akzentuiert. Wärmer werdende Lichtfarben ermöglichen gelungene Lichtübergänge von den öffentlichen zu den privaten Bereichen und Gärten. Dies ermöglicht trotz der unabhängigen Gebäudebeleuchtung höchste Flexibilität und zugleich ein harmonisches Gesamtbild der gesamten Küste.
Die Einreichung setzt im Wesentlichen auf die LED-Technologie. Die Lichtsysteme werden über ein innovatives Lichtmanagementsystem gesteuert, so dass Lichtmenge und Lichtfarbe den jahreszeitlichen Veränderungen und Lichtbedarf der Menschen automatisiert angepasst werden. Neben einem angenehmen Lichtambiente für die Menschen und einen auf das Minimum reduzierten Wartungsaufwand setzten die umweltfreundlichen Tiroler Lichtplaner des Bartenbach LichtLabor auf eine spezielle LED-Lichtlösung, welche Insekten bestmöglichen Schutz bietet.
In den Zwanziger-Jahren des 21. Jahrhunderts werden Bewohner und Touristen von Helsinki dieses weltweit einzigartige Lichtsystem und "umweltfreundliche Kunstwerk" von Kruunuvuorenranta in den Abend- und Nachtstunden bewundern können. Entdecken Sie bereits heute erste Eindrücke im Projektvideo vom Bartenbach LichtLabor auf der Homepage
General description of the entry
Natural light and the changing seasons play a large role in the entry ”Into the Light”. The concept of the entry is based on observations, strengthening the features of the environment and emphasising its special characteristics, and it presents Kruunuvuorenranta as a unique district of light that complements a maritime capital. In the view from a distance, the lighting is divided in sections that follow the rhythm of the shoreline and the features of the landscape. The trees to be planted according to the entry will be lighted, creating a balance between nature and the constructed environment.
Suitability to the challenging environment and overall scenery
The goal of the lighting is to highlight the different areas in Kruunuvuorenranta, the urban spaces, vegetation and scenery. The importance of the colours and materials of the buildings is great, both in daylight as well as in artificial lighting. The façades will not be lit directly. The lighting in the public areas is functionally sufficient and, if necessary, controls can be used to increase the amount of light (autumn, spring). The area has been designed to be seen in three-dimensional sections that are lit with different intensities to enhance the richness of the shoreline. Both within the area and in the scenery, the entry brings the experience of nature as it is to centre stage.
The purposefully ”massed” light provides firm support to the architecture of the area. The lighting methods and the different roles of the light fittings placed at different heights seem to be feasible in principle. Because the light is directed down from above, it is not directed towards the sky, but the solution as a whole method of lighting requires careful further planning. The saplings to be planted will not create the desired lighting effect during the first 15–20 years. The lighting effect may be reduced to sharp points and become aggressive instead of being balanced and clear as planned.
The changing lighting works together with the changing amount and colour of natural light. During the winter, the lighting will be of a warmer shade than during the spring and autumn. The transition from public urban space to private space can be seen from the light’s colour temperature: the lighting in the courtyards is of a warmer shade than the lighting on the streets or the waterfront walkway.
”Into the Light” proposes that a versatile LED lighting product family should be used, where the lowest installed height for a light fitting would be 0.8 m and the highest 9 m. The lighting is controlled so that it reacts to the changes in both seasons as well as times of day.
Artistic general impression
The lighting concept is subtle and justifiably fragmented, and it lets the experiences of nature, changes in seasons, architecture, scenery, Silo 468, light events and light art play the main roles. The lighting concept’s relationship with the change of seasons and natural light has humility. Darkness is the basis, where the immediate surroundings are observed and maintained with a smaller amount of light, there are several good locations for light art, and the work of light art Silo 468 is showcased in the shore landscape as the landmark it is.
When the planned lighting is taken into account in the area’s construction and environmental design and materials, the lighting control will create natural added value for the district. The lighting becomes a recognisable feature of the area (winter–summer, public–private), especially in the shore areas.
Impressiveness, imaginativeness and attractiveness
When viewed from a distance, the character of the area is balanced and does not contrast with the characteristics of the view during the day. The simple basic concept creates logical and innovative walkways and views from close by in the constructed environment at the shore area. The use of light’s colour temperature as a guide (cooler in the larger streets and increasingly warmer when moving into the more private areas) creates a special atmosphere for different areas in a simple but effective way.
Light events and light art have been given a chance to succeed from each artist’s and creator’s starting point. The light silos presented in the design are an example of works of art that can be built in the area.
The entry emphasises human factors – the importance for people’s well-being of carefully designed lighting with a high quality implementation. The point of view is important and topical, and it should be included as a significant factor in the environmental and construction design of the area.
Visual and technical sustainability
The use of different colour temperatures at different heights can create a muddled effect and requires careful further planning. The proposed lighting methods and lamp post heights must be reviewed during the further planning so that they meet the requirements of functionality and the cityscape. A central element of the design is lighting trees; the visualisations shown of the lighting are contradictory. If the trees are illuminated from above, the lower surfaces of the foliage are not lit, and if they are illuminated from below as some images show, there is a large risk of glare and light being directed towards the sky.
Energy efficiency and lighting control
LED lighting and control are justified when designing a district that will be under construction for the following 20–30 years. The technical specifications stated are the best that can be currently achieved with the technology presented. The use of wind power or solar energy as the power source for the lighting separately for each light fitting seems to be inappropriate for the purpose and expensive from the point of view of both construction and maintenance.
Technical feasibility, structural quality factors
Posts and other elements related to the light fittings are proposed to be implemented with durable equipment of high quality. The problem is a lack of a light fitting with an arm in the proposed product family. Implementing the plan requires careful further development and combining it together with the street, park and construction plans in an early planning stage.
Environmental friendliness and life-cycle properties
The products can be used again as needed in different locations in the area, after additional features have been added or the fittings have been remodelled. The lamps, control components and reflectors used can be replaced separately, if necessary.
The lighting can be constructed to meet the functional lighting requirements of the area. With the help of control, the amount of light is adjusted according to the amount of natural light, weather and season. In the plan, the lighting of more private areas is presented only on general principles, and its features cannot be evaluated.
Serviceability, maintainability
The proposed light fittings are all from the same durable product family, which makes care and maintenance easier. In order to control the colour temperature of the LED lighting as planned, new and durable control technology is needed.
Consideration of physical environmental factors
The plan has carefully investigated the identity of a shore area in Helsinki: Kruunuvuorenranta is seen as a complement to the shore landscape of the city centre, not as its competitor. The lighting concept grows from the natural scenery and the characteristics of the design area.
The construction costs will most likely be higher than usual, because the control system is new and versatile, but the operating costs may be lower than average. There are not many experiences of the control system yet. The entry does not contain an estimate of the construction or maintenance costs.
Das Konzept vom Bartenbach LichtLabor mit dem Namen "Into the Light" verfolgt das Ziel, Natur und Menschen Raum und Licht zu geben und zugleich die Lichtverschmutzung möglichst gering zu halten. Hierbei verzichteten die Lichtplaner bewusst auf bleibende Show- und Lichteffekte und hauchen mit von oben nach unten strahlendem Licht neues Leben in die Nacht ein. Die saisonal abhängige Lichtfarbe berücksichtigt die vier unterschiedlichen Jahreszeiten und bewirkt mit kühler Lichtfarbe im Sommer und warmer Lichtfarbe im Winter eine harmonische und gleitende Anpassung an die für Helsinki natürlichen Tageslicht- und Nachtlichtverläufe. Das Zusammenspiel von hellen und etwas dunkleren Zonen gilt als eine wichtige Komponente des Lichtkonzeptes: Hierdurch erscheinen für den Betrachter einige Zonen von außen unterschiedlich hell. Funktional bedeutsame Plätze sowie Licht-Kunst werden entlang der Küste mit hellem Licht akzentuiert. Wärmer werdende Lichtfarben ermöglichen gelungene Lichtübergänge von den öffentlichen zu den privaten Bereichen und Gärten. Dies ermöglicht trotz der unabhängigen Gebäudebeleuchtung höchste Flexibilität und zugleich ein harmonisches Gesamtbild der gesamten Küste.
Die Einreichung setzt im Wesentlichen auf die LED-Technologie. Die Lichtsysteme werden über ein innovatives Lichtmanagementsystem gesteuert, so dass Lichtmenge und Lichtfarbe den jahreszeitlichen Veränderungen und Lichtbedarf der Menschen automatisiert angepasst werden. Neben einem angenehmen Lichtambiente für die Menschen und einen auf das Minimum reduzierten Wartungsaufwand setzten die umweltfreundlichen Tiroler Lichtplaner des Bartenbach LichtLabor auf eine spezielle LED-Lichtlösung, welche Insekten bestmöglichen Schutz bietet.
In den Zwanziger-Jahren des 21. Jahrhunderts werden Bewohner und Touristen von Helsinki dieses weltweit einzigartige Lichtsystem und "umweltfreundliche Kunstwerk" von Kruunuvuorenranta in den Abend- und Nachtstunden bewundern können. Entdecken Sie bereits heute erste Eindrücke im Projektvideo vom Bartenbach LichtLabor auf der Homepage
General description of the entry
Natural light and the changing seasons play a large role in the entry ”Into the Light”. The concept of the entry is based on observations, strengthening the features of the environment and emphasising its special characteristics, and it presents Kruunuvuorenranta as a unique district of light that complements a maritime capital. In the view from a distance, the lighting is divided in sections that follow the rhythm of the shoreline and the features of the landscape. The trees to be planted according to the entry will be lighted, creating a balance between nature and the constructed environment.
Suitability to the challenging environment and overall scenery
The goal of the lighting is to highlight the different areas in Kruunuvuorenranta, the urban spaces, vegetation and scenery. The importance of the colours and materials of the buildings is great, both in daylight as well as in artificial lighting. The façades will not be lit directly. The lighting in the public areas is functionally sufficient and, if necessary, controls can be used to increase the amount of light (autumn, spring). The area has been designed to be seen in three-dimensional sections that are lit with different intensities to enhance the richness of the shoreline. Both within the area and in the scenery, the entry brings the experience of nature as it is to centre stage.
The purposefully ”massed” light provides firm support to the architecture of the area. The lighting methods and the different roles of the light fittings placed at different heights seem to be feasible in principle. Because the light is directed down from above, it is not directed towards the sky, but the solution as a whole method of lighting requires careful further planning. The saplings to be planted will not create the desired lighting effect during the first 15–20 years. The lighting effect may be reduced to sharp points and become aggressive instead of being balanced and clear as planned.
The changing lighting works together with the changing amount and colour of natural light. During the winter, the lighting will be of a warmer shade than during the spring and autumn. The transition from public urban space to private space can be seen from the light’s colour temperature: the lighting in the courtyards is of a warmer shade than the lighting on the streets or the waterfront walkway.
”Into the Light” proposes that a versatile LED lighting product family should be used, where the lowest installed height for a light fitting would be 0.8 m and the highest 9 m. The lighting is controlled so that it reacts to the changes in both seasons as well as times of day.
Artistic general impression
The lighting concept is subtle and justifiably fragmented, and it lets the experiences of nature, changes in seasons, architecture, scenery, Silo 468, light events and light art play the main roles. The lighting concept’s relationship with the change of seasons and natural light has humility. Darkness is the basis, where the immediate surroundings are observed and maintained with a smaller amount of light, there are several good locations for light art, and the work of light art Silo 468 is showcased in the shore landscape as the landmark it is.
When the planned lighting is taken into account in the area’s construction and environmental design and materials, the lighting control will create natural added value for the district. The lighting becomes a recognisable feature of the area (winter–summer, public–private), especially in the shore areas.
Impressiveness, imaginativeness and attractiveness
When viewed from a distance, the character of the area is balanced and does not contrast with the characteristics of the view during the day. The simple basic concept creates logical and innovative walkways and views from close by in the constructed environment at the shore area. The use of light’s colour temperature as a guide (cooler in the larger streets and increasingly warmer when moving into the more private areas) creates a special atmosphere for different areas in a simple but effective way.
Light events and light art have been given a chance to succeed from each artist’s and creator’s starting point. The light silos presented in the design are an example of works of art that can be built in the area.
The entry emphasises human factors – the importance for people’s well-being of carefully designed lighting with a high quality implementation. The point of view is important and topical, and it should be included as a significant factor in the environmental and construction design of the area.
Visual and technical sustainability
The use of different colour temperatures at different heights can create a muddled effect and requires careful further planning. The proposed lighting methods and lamp post heights must be reviewed during the further planning so that they meet the requirements of functionality and the cityscape. A central element of the design is lighting trees; the visualisations shown of the lighting are contradictory. If the trees are illuminated from above, the lower surfaces of the foliage are not lit, and if they are illuminated from below as some images show, there is a large risk of glare and light being directed towards the sky.
Energy efficiency and lighting control
LED lighting and control are justified when designing a district that will be under construction for the following 20–30 years. The technical specifications stated are the best that can be currently achieved with the technology presented. The use of wind power or solar energy as the power source for the lighting separately for each light fitting seems to be inappropriate for the purpose and expensive from the point of view of both construction and maintenance.
Technical feasibility, structural quality factors
Posts and other elements related to the light fittings are proposed to be implemented with durable equipment of high quality. The problem is a lack of a light fitting with an arm in the proposed product family. Implementing the plan requires careful further development and combining it together with the street, park and construction plans in an early planning stage.
Environmental friendliness and life-cycle properties
The products can be used again as needed in different locations in the area, after additional features have been added or the fittings have been remodelled. The lamps, control components and reflectors used can be replaced separately, if necessary.
The lighting can be constructed to meet the functional lighting requirements of the area. With the help of control, the amount of light is adjusted according to the amount of natural light, weather and season. In the plan, the lighting of more private areas is presented only on general principles, and its features cannot be evaluated.
Serviceability, maintainability
The proposed light fittings are all from the same durable product family, which makes care and maintenance easier. In order to control the colour temperature of the LED lighting as planned, new and durable control technology is needed.
Consideration of physical environmental factors
The plan has carefully investigated the identity of a shore area in Helsinki: Kruunuvuorenranta is seen as a complement to the shore landscape of the city centre, not as its competitor. The lighting concept grows from the natural scenery and the characteristics of the design area.
The construction costs will most likely be higher than usual, because the control system is new and versatile, but the operating costs may be lower than average. There are not many experiences of the control system yet. The entry does not contain an estimate of the construction or maintenance costs.
© Bartenbach LichtLabor, Visualisierung: artfabrik
© Bartenbach LichtLabor, Visualisierung: artfabrik
© Bartenbach LichtLabor, Visualisierung: artfabrik
© Bartenbach LichtLabor, Visualisierung: artfabrik
© Bartenbach LichtLabor, Visualisierung: artfabrik
© Bartenbach LichtLabor, Visualisierung: artfabrik
© Bartenbach LichtLabor, Visualisierung: artfabrik