Offener Wettbewerb (auch für Studenten) | 09/2012
MOBILIciTY - Tirana Multimodal Station
Ground Floor
CITYFÖRSTER architecture + urbanism
City Connection
The connection is provided trough the conversion of the former railway track in a linear park, in which a new monorail service is placed. This system lowers the costs of construction immensely and provides an overall view of the city. It becomes possible to reach the center of Tirana from the surrounding suburbs and trough the linear green park.
Hub Circulation
The pedestrian, driveway and railway communication axis induce to the creation of a big central public space around which the mobility is organized. The spatial continuity is supported by a bicycle lane and pedestrian loop crossing the different functions and creating a single spatial condition. The interiors are joined together by the loop.
Ground Floor
The entire hub is seen as a piece of the city. It is not just a station, but a social space playing with open and closed spaces.
Eco Hub
We created an inner public court, a sort of modern square bounded by a continuous linear path which extends in a linear park to provide also a green connection to the city centre. The hub is covered by a 70.000sqm of shading photovoltaic material. This serves as a protective membrane that separates it from the forces of nature and captures the useful parts as well as energy and water.
Functional Program
The functional program calculates the interchange junction among the different public transports, public areas as parks, retail areas, offices, auditorium and multiplex. The shopping promenade develops around the station binding it and the big green public inner court to the rest of the urban fabric. In this way the whole complex will be integrated in the city.
High Floor
The high floor is the one offering the most specific functional program. The attention focuses mainly on a fast stream of people. Here is the main function of the station and it is connected with the monorail and the business center. Offices and conference room relate with the growing need of movement in modern time.
The connection is provided trough the conversion of the former railway track in a linear park, in which a new monorail service is placed. This system lowers the costs of construction immensely and provides an overall view of the city. It becomes possible to reach the center of Tirana from the surrounding suburbs and trough the linear green park.
Hub Circulation
The pedestrian, driveway and railway communication axis induce to the creation of a big central public space around which the mobility is organized. The spatial continuity is supported by a bicycle lane and pedestrian loop crossing the different functions and creating a single spatial condition. The interiors are joined together by the loop.
Ground Floor
The entire hub is seen as a piece of the city. It is not just a station, but a social space playing with open and closed spaces.
Eco Hub
We created an inner public court, a sort of modern square bounded by a continuous linear path which extends in a linear park to provide also a green connection to the city centre. The hub is covered by a 70.000sqm of shading photovoltaic material. This serves as a protective membrane that separates it from the forces of nature and captures the useful parts as well as energy and water.
Functional Program
The functional program calculates the interchange junction among the different public transports, public areas as parks, retail areas, offices, auditorium and multiplex. The shopping promenade develops around the station binding it and the big green public inner court to the rest of the urban fabric. In this way the whole complex will be integrated in the city.
High Floor
The high floor is the one offering the most specific functional program. The attention focuses mainly on a fast stream of people. Here is the main function of the station and it is connected with the monorail and the business center. Offices and conference room relate with the growing need of movement in modern time.
First Floor
City Connection
Hub Circulation
Ground Floor
Eco Hub
Functional Program
First Floor