Einladungswettbewerb | 01/2021
Siemens Healthineers Campus in Bengaluru (IN)
©DP Architects
3. Preis
Preisgeld: 17.000 EUR
Architektur, Bauingenieurwesen
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The ground coverage of this submission is naturally lower due to the fact that two of the
development centre towers out of three are 16 storeys high. This naturally leaves more open green spaces at the ground level on a relatively tight site. The diagonal connection from north to south is a strong and interesting one as it creates a nice urban edge to the property. This is further emphasised by a strong entry into the campus.
This strong access runs through the site with the experience centre in the centre of the property. Although this experience centre may be larger than required, the importance of a centre like this to the client maybe evaluated to connect their achievements with the public at large without them having to enter the main office and laboratory spaces. The architect talks about biophilia and through the “breathing tower” demonstrates the “innate affinity of human beings with the natural world” resulting in interesting sections of the building.
The jali façade is an idea often used in India. How the architect intends to bring in the Indian ethos through its design and materials need to be seen. Apparently, the pattern of the façade will be dynamic due to the variation in the sun’s exposure.
The efficiency of space usage is good as is cost according to the experts. The phasing and traffic details work efficiently.
Overall, the jury values the design as a strong and dignified contribution whose conceptual approach delivers the implementation of a large part of functional requirements and sensitivity towards the intention of a flexible and sustainable concept.
development centre towers out of three are 16 storeys high. This naturally leaves more open green spaces at the ground level on a relatively tight site. The diagonal connection from north to south is a strong and interesting one as it creates a nice urban edge to the property. This is further emphasised by a strong entry into the campus.
This strong access runs through the site with the experience centre in the centre of the property. Although this experience centre may be larger than required, the importance of a centre like this to the client maybe evaluated to connect their achievements with the public at large without them having to enter the main office and laboratory spaces. The architect talks about biophilia and through the “breathing tower” demonstrates the “innate affinity of human beings with the natural world” resulting in interesting sections of the building.
The jali façade is an idea often used in India. How the architect intends to bring in the Indian ethos through its design and materials need to be seen. Apparently, the pattern of the façade will be dynamic due to the variation in the sun’s exposure.
The efficiency of space usage is good as is cost according to the experts. The phasing and traffic details work efficiently.
Overall, the jury values the design as a strong and dignified contribution whose conceptual approach delivers the implementation of a large part of functional requirements and sensitivity towards the intention of a flexible and sustainable concept.
©DP Architects
©DP Architects
©DP Architects
©DP Architects
©DP Architects
©DP Architects
©DP Architects
©DP Architects
©DP Architects / Foto: Hans Joachim Wuthenow
©DP Architects / Foto: Hans Joachim Wuthenow