
Award / Auszeichnung (auch für Studenten) | 10/2017

Zumtobel Group Award 2017

Warka Water

ET Dorze

Gewinner - Applied Innovations

Arturo Vittori

Kunst, Architektur


  • Gebäudetyp:

  • Projektgröße:

    keine Angabe

  • Status:


  • Termine:

    Fertigstellung: 03/2015


Warka Water is an alternative water source for rural populations in Africa that face difficulties accessing drinkable water. With the objective of providing an average of 100 liters of drinking water every day, Warka Water collects rain and harvests fog and dew. The Warka’s water harvesting technique and construction system are inspired by biomimicry, which describes the imitation of nature phenomena for the purpose of solving complex human problems. Many plants and animals have developed unique micro- and nano-scale structural features on their surfaces that enable them to collect water from the air and survive in hostile environments.

Warka Water identified specific materials and coatings that enhance dew condensation, water flow and storage capabilities by studying the Namib beetle’s shell, lotus flower leaves, spider web threads, and the integrated fog collection system in a cactus. Termite hives influenced the design of Warka’s outer shell, its shape and geometry while Ethiopian basket-weaving and vernacular architecture served as an additional source of inspiration.

Built with simple tools, Warka Water is designed to be owned and operated by the villagers, a key factor that will facilitate the success of the project. Warka Water is realized with local and biodegradable materials such as bamboo, fiber ropes, and bio-plastic. The last prototype is 36 feet tall and weighs only 176 pounds. The triangulated frame structure is optimized for lightness and strength and offers both stability and robustness. It is also modular and foldable, making it easy to transport. There are 16 fixation points placed radially around the tower’s base where a network of ropes are attached and fastened to stabilize the tower and allow it to withstand very strong winds. Inside the bamboo structure hangs a plastic mesh that collects droplets of water from high humidity in the air as well as the collector for dew and rainwater.

Warka Water relies only on natural phenomena such as gravity, condensation, and evaporation and does not require electrical power. The tower does not only provide a fundamental resource for life, but also creates a social place for the community, where people can gather under the shade of its canopy for education and public meetings.

© Zumtobel Group Award

Beurteilung durch das Preisgericht

The Warka Water project is a unique innovation for rural Ethiopia in settings where water shortage is a major concern and exploitation of groundwater is becoming an urgent issue. This fact gives the project high credibility and relevance in addition to its beauty.

The strong innovative aspect of the Warka Water project lies in its independent use of archaic knowledge combined with deep understanding of needs and context. Achieving simple and functional solutions for comprehensive problems requires time and intense research.

In addition to creating an aesthetically pleasing atmosphere, the design fulfils all the criteria set out for winning the Applied Innovations category of the Zumtobel Group Award for 2017 in a most convincing manner