
Offener Wettbewerb | 03/2015

Neubau Amtsgericht / Opracowanie koncepcji urbanistyczno-architektonicznej budynku Sądu Rejonowego Częstochowa-Północ


Biprowłók Sp. z.o.o



The main urban composition of the Court Building Czestochowa is based on the creation of public space in the foreground of the building, which constitutes a clear communication axis leading from the intersection of Rocha Street to the main entrance.
Pedestrian communication running along the street is priority in spatial composition.
Creating a public space seamlessly integrate the building with environment.

The architectural concept is based on a idea of contrast and division between two solids. This symbolism refers to fundamental values such as unambiguous decisions, black-and-white nature of truth and justice.
The main entrance was located between those two solids. After entering and passing
the control zone, the user is in the public area multi-storey hall. The layout and location of each department is primarily determined by the desire to increase intimacy and comfort of people waiting for the hearing in individual departments. The core of the overall vertical communication is located in the central part of the building.
The second main assumption was separation of general communication from the staff, which enables creating easily the safety zones inside.
Central patio with greenery in the northern part of the building acts triple role;
- Brightens the courtrooms and the interior of the building, while separating
the employees zone from the public area (vertical blinds prevents visual access to courtrooms)
- Serves as a ventilation shaft. Allows natural air to circulate inside the building, reliving ventilation systems.
- Allows direct contact with greenery for employees, raising the working conditions standards

The building structure was designed with reinforced concrete. The façade of the building covered with fiber cement boards - ventilated façade, isolated mineral wool. Material imitating architectural concrete chosen in two shades - light and darkgrey, to separate two solids in space.

The idea of green building in our project is not limited only to such obvious today air recuperation, photovoltaic solar installations or LED lighting.
The basic idea of our project was to design a building within a dialogue with nature.
The building thanks to its functional arrangement and architectural design uses a natural effects for relieving the HVAC and lighting systems. The glass façade of the building facing south allows the penetration of the interior by sun in wintertime, allowing the interior to heat up naturally. At the same time extended roof protects the interior from overheating in the summer months, when the sun is high. Most of the office are facing north to avoid overheating. Compact form of the building reduces the number of external surface compared to the usable space, which also reduces heat loss. The internal patio acting as air shaft, allows to reduce the energy used by ventilation systems.