
Einladungswettbewerb | 09/2022

New Headquarters of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Geneva (CH)


4. Preis

Preisgeld: 10.000 CHF

Toshiko Mori Architect


dl-a, designlab-architecture s.a.


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The authors of the project propose an oval shape for the new IOM headquarters, expressing openness towards the neighbourhood, and symbolizing welcome from all directions, in line with the evolution of migration flows.
The slightly sloping implantation is meant to preserve the trees to the east, and the relationship with the existing building to the west. The proposal’s pure geometric shape captivated the jury’s attention, as did the dual-entrance system for IOM staff and the public, and for VIPs via a separate pavilion that identifies the entrance courtyard and is integrated into the landscaping.
The oval shape becomes space for an atrium, where there is the most traffic, a place for informal meetings and for collaboration work, and a gym on the roof; an oval pavilion forms the entrance to the site and provides access to the public area and to the underground conference rooms. The jury appreciated the shared facilities on the roof and the positioning of the restaurant with access to areas extending outside, as well as the oval atrium connecting all the workspace levels to the main lobby and the conference level. The flexibility of office space is limited by the shape of the building and users have not identified how the partitioning of the offices would connect with the façades. There are also concerns about climate in the inside spaces, considering that the windows open within a double-skin façade.
The footprint on the ground is held to a minimum thanks to a system of levels that grow wider as they rise, allowing for shading and natural protection from rain and heat. For acoustics-related reasons, a glazed double-skin with built-in shutters to provide shade is proposed, and this classifies the façade as complex. A cafeteria is envisaged to the north-east, with a generously planted and welcome outside extension, which creates a new space in conjunction with the wooded strip. Outside, access for all is facilitated thanks to the landscaping, and inside, through easy access to the lifts and a clear and open plan.
The project envisages the construction of a building (R+7+attic) with two basement levels. The bottom of the excavation would be about 3.75 meters below the level of the existing basement. The project foresees the building of a reinforced concrete basement on which a wooden structure would rest. The two cores, the columns and the waffle slabs are to be made of wood. The designers state that the building rests on an 80-cm thick slab which itself abuts a diaphragm wall, making it possible to transfer into the ground the weight from the part of the building overhanging the garage; a priori, this avoids placing stress on the garage and averts the need for structural modifications. This weight must be transferred through a slab to a series of walls Executing such a transfer of weight is not unreasonable but merits close study.
The oblong oval chosen by the project allows for a fairly delicate implantation into the site and the preservation of the surrounding vegetation, enhanced by a marked distance from the route des Nations and from the chemin de la Riole. The jury is pleased with this green space, and underscores the significant potential, both symbolic and qualitative, of a generously planted entrance forecourt facing the route des Nations. On the western side, in contrast, the overly close and dominant relationship with the existing building is unsatisfactory.
The new west-facing façade of the organization’s headquarters building is rather close to the neighbouring Morillons Administrative Centre (CAM) and raises concerns over questions of proximity between the users of both buildings, especially for IOM staff, considering that one façade is made entirely of glass. The location opposite the façade of the adjacent building is especially delicate and would require a derogation or adaptations that are deemed too extensive Locating the building close to the CAM building makes it possible to preserve the green corridor, in the east, but the proposed delivery access jeopardizes the survival of the oaks.
The jury regrets that parking-related equipment is being placed in the area vital to the trees, which merit being showcased in a better manner.. The oval shape also conveys a certain austere, highly centralized quality, not well suited to reflecting the openness and diversity expected by the contracting authority and Member States. In terms of urban development, this geometry competes with, but fails to soften the sharp angle of the neighbouring building on the route des Morillons. The conference centre is located at basement level and will suffer from a lack of natural light, even considering the openness of the atrium in the hall. The VIP access point on the lower level, which comes from an independent pavilion, is not convincing. The wooden structure affords great flexibility in the use of the different levels, but the jury has difficulty understanding a system of mechanics that seems complex and demanding, or even non-existent in the basement. The cost of the project has been judged to be higher than average.