
Offener Wettbewerb | 09/2013

Sanierung Kirchturm - städtebauliche und architektonische Konzeptentwicklung für Kulturzentrum / Renowacja Wieży Kościoła Farnego w Euromieście Gubin-Guben

3. Preis

Preisgeld: 16.260 PLN

Jerzy Wowczak Autorska Pracownia Projektowa



The most important inspiration of the project was the ruin itself. It amazes, draws attention, makes people curious about its history and its tragedy. It takes us back to the times when the Cathedral was build up – to the Middle ages. W are inspired by medieval scaffolding, tools, wooden constructions and simple machines.

Urban plan
The town Guben differs between the two sides of the river (and two countries). The left side has its clear scale and is well planed. The centre has renovated town quarters, the historical plan is readable. Before world war the main square and the main buildings – major house ans cathedral were located on the right side of the river. Unfortunately, town plan of the right side of the river has vanished; only the ruin of the Cathedral and the Major House is left. Town quarters are replaced by blocks of flats and chaotic green areas.
The main goal was to merge the town again and to give back the rank to the cathedral.
The south side by the ruin is planned as big, representative, geometrical square - base to the ruin and to the Major House.
Space in between the major house and the cathedral as well as the east side of the ruin is less representative and gets the human scale.

While making a project the main question was if we should rebuild the ruin to improve the landscape or leave it as a witness of history?
This dichotomy turned into concept. We recreated the roof line, but in the transparent, symbolic way. It was covered with little alu elements hanging on the ties fastened to the roof construction. The roof itself is hidden by the walls – the huge part of it is made out of glass not to close the view from the inside to the sky.


A half of the symmetric interior holds it's authentic character. In the central and south nave we haven't planned any permanent architectonic elements.
All the function is located in the old school building and at the west wall by the tower.
The main and the most important function is the concert hall. It will be located in the main nave or in the whole building if needed. Flexible arrangement is possible with mobile scene, screens and with the mobile auditorium.
Mobile auditorium is a wooden construction, which is a wooden blinds wall when closed, and auditorium when opened – shown at renders. It may be moved closer of further from the scene, depending on the size of the auditory.

Other functions of the building are exhibition space, library, archive, multimedia and seminary rooms, administration .
Authors: Jerzy Wowczak, Ewa Wowczak
Coworkes: Aleksandra Rykaczewska, Aleksandra Olko, Małogrzata Guzik, Agnieszka Czuj, Alicja Dziedzina