
Award / Auszeichnung | 07/2014

Fritz-Höger-Preis 2014 für Backstein-Architektur

Private House, Kavel 75

NL-1078 KA Amsterdam, Lisdoddelaan 114

Nominee / Kategorie Einfamilienhaus, Doppelhaushälfte

Office Winhov



  • Gebäudetyp:


  • Projektgröße:

    252m² (geschätzt)

  • Status:


  • Termine:

    Baubeginn: 01/2012
    Fertigstellung: 01/2013


The ‘Little Reed Island / Kleine Rieteiland’ on IJburg is surrounded by water that forms the border to the southern Diemerpark. The central street of the island is flanked on both sides by a continuous row of built homes developed in private ownership. Within well-defined urban conditions each house has its own architecture. The design for the house on lot 75 is created within close collaboration between the client and the architect. The house takes the contrast between the closed interior and the exterior, which is focused on the landscape outside, as a starting point. On the side of the street, the house has an entrance patio with a closed facade of light brick combined with prefabricated concrete bands. Behind this frontal facade the house opens up to the sun and there is a wide view over the water.

The house follows the contour of the dike profile, the edge of the island, with a second, sunken patio and an underground bedroom floor. The second patio is the centre of the house and allows daylight to enter deeply into the adjacent rooms. On the side of the garden, diagonal views through the patio connect the bedroom and study room with the kitchen and living area. Directly next to the patio is the kitchen, the core of daily family life. The fixed interior elements such as kitchen cabinets, electricity meter and toilet are put together in a long wooden interior element. The kitchen leads to the dining and living area in the form of a conversation pit. The large roof terrace on the first floor provides panoramic views over the countryside. This private terrace complements the, by residents, shared green area along the water.