
Award / Auszeichnung | 07/2020

best architects 21

Gesamtsanierung Wohnhaus Jurastraße 58

CH Bern, Jurastraße 58

Auszeichnung | Einfamillienhäuser GOLD

Kast Kaeppeli Architekten


WAM Planer und Ingenieure AG



  • Gebäudetyp:


  • Projektgröße:

    keine Angabe

  • Status:


  • Termine:

    Fertigstellung: 01/2019

Beurteilung durch das Preisgericht

The project shows the restoration and extension of a timber-framed house from 1877 in Bern which was guided by the conservation of historical buildings. Before the renovation, the house and its three small two-room apartments were in a poor state of repair. In the course of the refurbishment works and associated energy optimisation, an extension allowed for the creation of two contemporary family apartments. This annexe was fitted into the space between the rear of the building and the retaining wall facing the slope and stretches into the courtyard on the south side. The design of the superimposed apartments means the restored covered steps that are so typical of the region can continue to be used. The compartmentalised structure of the original building was retained and houses the bed- and bathrooms. The zoned open space in the extension contains the living areas and is accessed via an opening in the former now interior timbered façade. Although the floor plan for the ground and top floor are almost identical, the windows that look out onto the slope and the shape of the annexe roof create different and unique spatial references and moods. The timbered house was carefully restored with attention to period details and materials. The design of the new extension is discreet and gives the impression of being an adjoining barn. The result is richly detailed architecture that reacts with sensitivity to existing buildings and the topography and manages to develop high quality residential accommodation from limited space.