
Award / Auszeichnung (auch für Studenten) | 03/2022

Design Educates Awards 2022


MX Mexico

Honorable Mention | Architectural Design

Axiom Architecture Collective



  • Gebäudetyp:

    Kultur-, Veranstaltungsgebäude

  • Projektgröße:

    keine Angabe

  • Status:


  • Termine:

    Fertigstellung: 01/2022


Understanding space means exploring its possibilities, that is, observing how objects and space react to various mutations. In this way, it will facilitate the understanding of the evolution of the spatial concept and develop phenomenological dynamics through light, which lead to the understanding of the space, through the controlled manipulation of basic physical models 1:1 scale. Bringing the material essence from the region so that it can be expressed in space. Testing the value of their cultures and recognition of their right to express themselves and the appreciation of some of their cultural traits, that produce meaning in a world in which simple attributions of meaning are changing. Architecture deviates if the enrichment of buildings is through an extra-architectural resource, as part of a broad strategy to support the development of skills and opportunities for the native population of Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Mexico. They favor the well-being and social participation of the beneficiary population, through programs that promote better organization and community interrelation. Defined as the brain’s ability, mental (cognitive) flexibility, refers to the characteristic to easily adapt our behavior and thinking to change unexpected concepts and situations. We need fluid reasoning ability when solving problems in new situations. generate alternative and changing responses to solve current problems, loss of public space, economic crisis and loss of a common Social Ideal. Through an extra-architectural resource. As part of the experimentation and flexibility, the spaces are configured based on mobile panels that vary their function with respect to the user, it is proposed that these, in addition to dividing or expanding the space, serve as a teaching method as it is an example of permeability, materiality and multifunctionality. Much of the sensations that are perceived in an environment are generated from materials and textures, for which the project integrates walls with container modules of finishes used in the region, which allow the user to observe them, feel them, create compositions and analyze them in a better way.