
Award / Auszeichnung | 03/2023

Design Educates Awards 2023

Yazidi Refugee Community Center, Bersive Camp 2

IQ-42001 Zakho

Bronze Prize | Architectural Design

Insitu Project



  • Gebäudetyp:

    Kultur-, Veranstaltungsgebäude

  • Projektgröße:

    keine Angabe

  • Status:


  • Termine:

    Fertigstellung: 10/2022

Beurteilung durch das Preisgericht

The Yazidi Community Centre located in the Bersive 2 Refugee Camp Dohuk, Northern Iraq, is a unique and ground-breaking project. The camp comprises of over 8000 internally displaced people, with 90% being Yazidis, a minority group who were subject to ISIS genocide since 2014. The UNHCR and government have provided basic tents and material support for the camp but with minimal civic or community infrastructure and a basic level of amenity. The community centre responds to these issues fostering a sense of community and providing stability for the residents by making a place - an oasis - for civic activities. As a collaborative design and build project completed in 2022, the center provides around 340m2 of space providing essential healthcare and community facilities including medical and dental clinics, a dedicated woman’s and children’s place, amenities for activities including a community hall with kitchen, a co-designed playground and sanitary facilities. Healthcare facilities are provided using readymade containers while the community hall was designed to utilise superadobe construction, a building method aimed at using local materials and local skills. A superadobe expert was partnered to provide on-site construction training to local people, allowing for rapid construction by the team using soil and plastic bags. Additionally, waste bottles were collected from the community and designed by local people to make special windows. These techniques engaged local participation and low-cost material in the build-together process. The completed facility instilled a sense of achievement, community ownership and civic pride. It is not only a place for cultural and social gatherings for the community, but also provides hope and restores the ability to make positive change within the community. The project was initiated and funded by Habibi International / HIS Foundation, who acted as clients and project managers with the support and collaboration of many others.