
Award / Auszeichnung (auch für Studenten) | 06/2023

LILA – Landezine International Landscape Award 2023

Bridgefoot Street Park

IE-00000 Dublin 8, Bridgefoot Street

Winner | Public Landscapes

DFLA | Dermot Foley Landscape Architects



  • Gebäudetyp:

    Landschaft und Freiraum

  • Projektgröße:

    keine Angabe

  • Status:


  • Termine:

    Fertigstellung: 01/2022

Beurteilung durch das Preisgericht

Bridgefoot Street Park is a story about public space, community participation, circular economy, and ecological measures, and, above all, it is a project that well reflects our growing care for social and environmental issues of urban open space in the 21st century.
DFLA carefully embedded particular design approaches that have been occurring in the landscape architecture community in the past decade into a successful whole. The ‘beautiful messiness’ of the design language of the concrete surfaces reminds us of Catherine Mosbach’s approach to shape-finding. They suggest free use and are a platform for the community to get together and play. The ‘curiosity’ of the hill composed of demolition debris reminds us of Governor’s Island in NYC.
But it is not only the debris that forms the play of topography; other elements found on site were catalogued and were given a second life, a new meaning and a new purpose in a creative way. This is one of the most important challenges for landscape architects, namely recycling, upcycling and reducing the shipment of material to its minimum.
Bridgefoot Street Park is an extremely well designed hectare of urban land. The jury also praises the universal value of Bridgefoot Street Park; cities of various latitudes will hopefully learn from this approach and will have a benchmark for a reference.