
Award / Auszeichnung | 07/2011

IOC/IAKS Award für beispielhafte Sport- und Freizeitanlagen 2011

Deodoro Sports Complex

BR Rio de Janeiro, Avenida Duque de Caxias


BCMF Arquitetos



  • Gebäudetyp:

    Sport und Freizeit

  • Projektgröße:

    keine Angabe

  • Status:


  • Termine:

    Baubeginn: 01/2005
    Fertigstellung: 01/2007


The Deodoro Sports Complex, constructed for the Rio 2007 Pan-American Games, was designed with an awareness that a similar competition venue and program would be applied to a future Olympic Games (Rio 2016). The cluster includes the shooting, equestrian, archery, hockey and modern pentathlon facilities, and also permanent training areas for all major national, regional and international competitions. All venues already meet international standards, and will need just minor adjustments and complements for the Olympics.

The Deodoro region has the highest demographic of youth within the greater metropolitan region, and it is one of the poorest zones of the city. Until recently this area lacked the infrastructure and facilities to support the basic needs of the population, for instance. The development of facilities for the 2007 Pan American Games has encouraged the less privileged youth of this suburban region to actively participate in sport and to engage on social activities. The addition of some specifically targeted facilities, most notably the X-Park Precinct planned for 2016, will provide even stronger social and sport development legacy and opportunities for the community.

The cluster is already an important legacy, which has successfully triggered the renewal and further development of this important vector of the city. The project deals with the complex issues of a unique suburban context comprising a military district, a densely populated favela, a dilapidated industrial area, as well as a large expanse of native vegetation. With its new attractions and improvements, the Deodoro Sports Complex will be consolidated by 2016 as a formidable world-class legacy of high-performance sports, forming a cluster with great potential for catalyzing a general revitalization of a significant area of the city.

Bruno Campos
BCMF Arquitetos