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Nichtoffener Wettbewerb | 04/2012

Yenikapi Transfer Point And Archaeo-Park Area International Preliminary Architecture Project

Preis / Final Evaluation

Cafer Bozkurt Architecture



Architektur, Landschaftsarchitektur, Stadtplanung / Städtebau



ARUP United Kingdom



Yenikapı Transfer Point and Archaeopark Project - Istanbul, Turkey

The Yenikapı area has catered to the transportation of people and goods in different forms and scales throughout history, a property that has essentially been lost in the last century. Today, with the introduction of the main Transfer Station of the Marmaray Project in the Historical Peninsula, the old Theodosius port will again ‘harbour’ a Transportation Hub – albeit at a scale the area has never experienced before.

Thus, modern mobility will find itself surrounded by ancient presence, and the 1.7 million daily pedestrian passengers calculated to pass through the site will experience this presence first hand, as they pass through the archaeo-park area that surrounds them as they surface from the transfer station.

City walls surrounding the ancient Byzantine harbour define the Archaeopark that surrounds the City Archive and the Gateway Building of the Transfer Center, thus linking this public space to the city fabric of the Historical Peninsula and making it part of a series of monumental buildings surrounded by large public spaces, such as the historical palace and public mosque complexes.

In our urban design, we have chosen to propose two buildings without further intruding upon the existing context or proposing excessive new buildings, by seeking a solution complementary to the existing Marmaray-Metro and LRT systems and (already partially constructed) projects.The archive and the gateway building will become new landmarks within the city that will offer a special experience to the daily lives of the citizens of Istanbul as well as usher the present to get a closer glimpse of the half-forgotten but still relevant past.

In combination with the introduction of this immense transfer point, bringing people into the heart of the old city, the Yenikapı area will offer the biggest open and public green space in the Peninsula, along the Marmara coast. All the historical elements in the Yenikapı area whose situation has been unclear and lost for a long time, such as the ancient harbour, the Langa Bostanı, the Yalı neighbourhood, and the well-used Commuter Rail of recent history, have been revived in our project and have become a basis for defining our project areas. These elements have provided a framework for transforming this old and layered harbour area as well as proposing future development in its immediate surroundings.
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