
Offener Wettbewerb | 05/2015

Urban and architectural development of Philadelphia Boulevard / Bulwaru Filadelfijskiego


Kurylowicz & Associates



The basic idea of the design is to emphasize the natural linearity of the Philadelphia Boulevard determined by the stream of the Vistula River. Individual user traffic zones sketched along its entire length have set up the warp mesh. The orthogonal directions of traffic designated on the extended axis of city streets leading to the boulevard have become the weft mesh. It resulted in creating a raster of the “cloth” covering the entire space of the boulevard, which defines the pattern created by the individual spatial elements.

The system of designed traffic routes refers to the rhythm of the flowing river and allows the user a free choice of path and pace of travel. One can make the entire length of the boulevard using the waterfront walking path or the landscape path surrounded by greenery, and also making use of the bike path. From each of these paths there has been designed access to specific utility areas to which the boulevard space has been divided.
Outlets of streets in the Old and New Town have been highlighted by the attractive spatial elements – amphitheatre stairs or platforms cantilevered in the stream of the Vistula, which allows a visual contact with the river and its other, naturally wooded, bank.
All is spanned by 2 historical bridges, both on the truss. In addition to bridges, the boulevard space gradually turns into a natural landscape.

All elements of zoning have been designed so as not to interfere with the protected panoramic view of the old town complex both in terms of scale of objects and colours, which refers to a brick colour of the city.

Thus, there was created a representative and prestigious interior offering an attractive urban space serving not only to tourists visiting Torun, but above all to a broad group of users, which are the residents of the city, using the boulevard every day.