
Offener Wettbewerb (auch fĂĽr Studenten) | 03/2013

Triumph Pavilion - LONDON (Summer 2013 Build Project)

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The project wants to show the steps to achieve the peace: Peace is not just the aim two people or two cultures have reached, but it’s the way these two people, two cultures, two countries go through to reach the goal;
In this Idea the project is not a static space but it’s a promenade, a “path” to peace.

It’s an uphill way to track, made by steps, that suggest the idea of a personal process of knowledge and acceptation of his own neighbor, a path of research.
People must struggle and take time to get to peace.

The way must be walked through from both sides, as both cultures must do the same effort to arrive to peace. For this reason the project is symmetrical.

The center of the project is practically the moment where two people, coming from opposite sides, meet each other. It’s a box where two people, approaching to each other, can find right intimate and comfortable atmosphere to stop, sit and start a dialogue.
This is, ideally, the moment of peace: a space where you have to sit (that’s the reason because the ceiling is on a lower level) and communicate with each other.

In the project, light has an important rule: from a sunny and open space (external part of the pavilion), progressively the person come to a darker and darker place, that recalls the trip on his own conscience more and more intimate.